K6PUW – when receiving D-Star radios – works like other advanced D-Star repeater/gateways. You can send link requests for DPlus-REF reflectors, DExtra-XRF reflectors, DCS reflectors and CCS7 Callsign Routing. To program your radio, you can either use DR mode or normal memories. For DR mode, since K6PUW is a relatively new repeater, you will manually need to add K6PUW to the radio’s Repeater List.
This page covers the memories approach. First, set up a memory with:
- An appropriate name, like K6PUW QSO
- YourCall=CQCQCQ
- RPT1=K6PUW..B (dots are spaces, so module letter falls in position 8)
- Set frequency to 447.200, DUP – Offset 5.0
In non-DR mode, change to that memory. K6PUW should hear you and you should hear it.
Many people set up multiple memories so they can use their radio to unlink and link to reflectors. Note: for all of the following memories, you will need to set RPT1 and RPT2 as follows: RPT1 = K6PUW..B (2 spaces so B is in 8th position); RPT2 = K6PUW..B (3 spaces so G is in 8th position). This example shows 8 memories that might be useful:
- Name = UNLK (Unlink) YourCall = …….U (7 spaces then U in 8th position)
- Name = Info (Ask for link status) YourCall = …….I (7 spaces so letter I is in 8th positions)
- Name = LnkXRF002A (Link to XRF002A) YourCall = XRF002AL
- Name = LnkREF001C (Link to REF001C) YourCall = REF014CL
- Name = LnkREF030C (Link to REF030C) YourCall = REF030CL
- Name = LnkDCS006B (Link toDCS006B) YourCall = DCS006BL
- Name = LnkCCS1234 (Link to CCS ID 3101234) YourCall = C3101234
- Name = UnlnkCCS YourCall = CA
To be sure the repeater isn’t already being used, give a call to ask if the repeater is busy and that you plan to link it. If it’s not busy, you can then switch to the Unlink memory, hit PTT. Then switch to the link memory you want and hit PTT. Then immediately switch back to your normal operating memory with CQCQCQ in YourCall, so the repeater isn’t trying to re-link every time you hit PTT. That’s all there is to it.
K6PUW Responds to DTMF commands also:
Link to Xreflector:
DTMF B followed by reflector number and module ex. B002A links to XRF002A
Link to DCS Reflector:
DTMF D followed by reflector number and module ex. D001B links to DCS001B
Link to D-Plus Reflector:
DTMF * followed by reflector number and module ex. *001C links to REF001C
Leading 0 (zeros) may be omitted: B002A can be B2A
Module letter can be replaced with a number(Must be 2 digits) B002A can be B201 — or for XRF002Z B226
As a courtesy, when done, please unlink and link to XRF002A, the default reflector for K6PUW.